Language and statistical learning Vol. 124, 2024/3 - pagesPages 277 à 282Chomsky’s error on language and implicit statistical learning: Introduction to the special issuePar Arnaud ReyPages 283 à 316A meta-analysis of 97 studies reveals that statistical learning and language ability are only weakly correlatedPar Sam Boeve, Haoyu Zhou, Louisa BogaertsPages 317 à 345Statistical learning and spelling: The case of graphotactic regularitiesPar Sébastien Pacton, Eva CommissairePages 347 à 374Transitional Probabilities, Prediction and Backward Associations in LanguagePar Laura Lazartigues, Frederic Lavigne, Fabien MathyPages 375 à 408Chunking mechanisms in language and other domainsPar Leonardo Pinto Arata, Laure Tosatto, Arnaud ReyPages 409 à 434Implicit Statistical Learning of Language and MusicPar Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat, Barbara Tillmann