Varia Vol. 116, 2016/1 - 170 pagesPages 1 to 19On what cues do we judge gestures in working memory?By Guillaume Gimenes, Valérie Pennequin, Laurence TaconnatPages 21 to 44Categorical flexibility and conceptualizationBy Célia Maintenant, Valérie PennequinPages 45 to 66What does the Stroop inference actually measure, and when and how? Methodological and theoretical arguments in favor of a change in its measurementBy Maria Augustinova, Eva Almeida, David Clarys, Ludovic Ferrand, Marie Izaute, Isabelle Jalenques, Catherine Juneau, Alice Normand, Lætitia SilvertPages 67 to 103“Appealing to fear” in order to persuade? A review of the literature and research perspectivesBy Jérôme Blondé, Fabien GirandolaPages 105 to 136The development of idiom comprehension: A reviewBy Jamila Hattouti, Sandrine Gil, Virginie LavalPages 137 to 169The syllable in the production of written wordsBy Solen Sausset, Éric Lambert, Thierry Olive