Varia Vol. 115, 2015/2 - 148 pagesPages 177 to 196Historic note on Henri Piéron’s election at the Collège de France (1923)By Serge Nicolas, Valérie Gyselinck, Pascale PiolinoPages 197 to 222Sonority-related markedness drives the misperception of unattested onset clusters in French listenersBy Norbert Maïonchi-Pino, Yasuyuki Taki, Annie Magnan, Satoru Yokoyama, Jean Écalle, Kei Takahashi, Hiroshi Hashizume, Ryuta KawashimaPages 223 to 239Visual impairment in infants: comparison between cortical and peripheral visual impairment (preliminary observations)By Cherhazad Hemimou, Arlette StreriPages 241 to 264Emotion, attention, and effortful control in 24-month-old very preterm and full-term childrenBy Fleur Lejeune, Cristina Borradori Tolsa, Myriam Bickle Graz, Petra S. Hüppi, Koviljka BarisnikovPages 265 to 287Dynamics of perceptions of psychological momentum in achievement situations in virtual actorsBy Walid Briki, Christophe GernigonPages 289 to 324Neurocognitive aging: Deficits and compensationBy Lucie Angel, Michel Isingrini