Language and statistical learning N° 124, 2024/3 - pagesPages 277 to 282Chomsky’s error on language and implicit statistical learning: Introduction to the special issueBy Arnaud ReyPages 283 to 316A meta-analysis of 97 studies reveals that statistical learning and language ability are only weakly correlatedBy Sam Boeve, Haoyu Zhou, Louisa BogaertsPages 317 to 345Statistical learning and spelling: The case of graphotactic regularitiesBy Sébastien Pacton, Eva CommissairePages 347 to 374Transitional Probabilities, Prediction and Backward Associations in LanguageBy Laura Lazartigues, Frederic Lavigne, Fabien MathyPages 375 to 408Chunking mechanisms in language and other domainsBy Leonardo Pinto Arata, Laure Tosatto, Arnaud ReyPages 409 to 434Implicit Statistical Learning of Language and MusicBy Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat, Barbara Tillmann