Varia Vol. 121, 2021/3 - 180 pagesResearch articlesPages 177 to 215Access to semantic representations in reading and cognitive inhibition in students with dyslexia: The contribution of the semantic Stroop taskBy Emilie Collette, Marie-Anne SchelstraetePages 217 to 237An investigation of the possible causes of arithmetic difficulties in children with dyscalculiaBy Jeanne Bagnoud, Romain Mathieu, Jasinta Dewi, Sandrine Masson, Sibylle Gonzalez-Monge, Zumrut Kasikci, Catherine ThevenotTheoretical notesPages 239 to 273The development of empathy in infancyBy Jean Decety, Claire HolvoetPages 275 to 309Dissociative amnesia: Methodological limits, conceptual limits, and alternative explanationsBy Olivier DodierPages 311 to 351A historical review of olfactometryBy Serge Nicolas, Moustafa Bensafi