Laurence Taconnat List of articlesVol. 123, 2023/4Studying memory aging from an embodied point of view: reflections on the contribution of aging suitsTheoretical notesVol. 123, 2023/3Personality and organizational strategies in episodic memory: The role of Openness to experience on recall and subjective organization in young and older adults.Vol. 119, 2019/4The effect of self-esteem on episodic memory (recall and recognition) and metamemory (FOK judgments) in studentsExperimental articlesVol. 116, 2016/1On what cues do we judge gestures in working memory?Vol. 114, 2014/2How the strategic behavior modification can explain the age related deficit in episodic memoryVol. 114, 2014/1Divided attention and organization in episodic memory: When using a strategy impairs performance in recallExperimental articles